$19.00 USD

How Birth Works

Monday April 3, 2pm EST

The Body, the Baby, the Brain.

Whether you're a birth newbie or an old timer, we think you'll get a lot out of this 90 minutes with us! 

Join us to learn the basics (and then some) about birth physiology. We'll explain exactly what is going on behind the scenes when you are in your birthing hours, and how can your team support the process.

What you'll learn: 

  • How vast the range of normal is for birth.
  • How your body and your baby shape shift and move together during the birth process.
  • How your hormones provide you with everything you need: pain relief, connection, safety, rest, energy, milk, and (yes) contractions.
  • The juicy science of altered brain states during labor.
  • The truth about "water breaking" and what to do when it happens.
  • A way better way to think about the "stages" of labor. (Hint: birth is not linear).
  • And more!

Q&A time at the end, for all your questions!