$39.00 USD or more

Reframe Pain: Mindset and Comfort Essentials for Birth

Birth is made to be manageable. 

While pain-free birth is possible, in hundreds of births what we have seen is that most women experience pain (or discomfort, or whatever you want to call it), AND most well-supported women with a positive framework for birth also experience pleasure, joy, even euphoria, and a sense of their own power.

Pain is 100% created by the brain, including during labor. This doesn't mean it's not real or that it's good or bad. It just is. Pain is the brain's interpretation of the input it is receiving. There are so many tools in pregnancy and labor that can impact that interpretation positively!

In this 2 hr 20 min class you'll learn:

  • The most essential mindset tools for a positive birth
  • The best comfort measures for birth, from two seasoned doulas
  • A bonus Q&A session from our May 2, 2023 live recording of this class.

**All of our gorgeous birth photos, including the one above, are by our friend Paige Driscoll